📝 Copywriting Prompts for ChatGPT

Looking for inspiration to improve your copywriting skills? Check out our page featuring 4 engaging prompts to help you craft compelling content for ChatGPT. From creating catchy headlines to crafting persuasive calls-to-action, these prompts will help you hone your writing skills and connect with your audience like never before. Start writing today and watch your content soar!

Crafting a Benefit-Focused Campaign

🔗   137
Write a marketing campaign outline using the 'Headline' framework to identify the main benefit or value proposition of our product/service and craft a headline that clearly communicates that benefit to ideal customer persona.

Targeted Solution-Oriented Text

🔗   111
I need a type of text that will address the pain points and needs of my ideal customer persona and show them how my product/service is the solution they've been searching for.

Client Success Stories

🔗   111
Generate a customer success story template that highlights the key benefits and results achieved by our clients using our product/service.

Compelling CTA Variations

🔗   111
Write 3/5/7 different CTA variations for our ad/social media post/blog that utilize persuasive language and inspire action.

Tweetstorm for Promotion!

🔗   110
Generate 3/5/10 attention-grabbing tweets promoting our latest blog post/upcoming event/new product launch.

Targeted Keyword Research

🔗   110
Perform keyword research for our industry/niche and provide a list of 10/20/30 relevant, high-traffic keywords to target in our content.

Content Strategy Blueprint

🔗   109
Outline a 3/6/12-month content plan for our blog/website/social media/email marketing that includes a mix of topics, formats, and promotional tactics.

Improved FAQ Content

🔗   109
Revise and expand our existing FAQ content to be more clear, concise, and helpful for our ideal customer persona.

Compelling Facebook Ad Headlines

🔗   108
Create 3/5/10 Facebook Ad headlines that drive clicks and conversions for our product/service.

FOMO-Inducing Headline: [insert original headline]

🔗   108
Create a compelling headline for our blog post using the FOMO Fear of Missing Out principle: insert original headline.

Success Stories Showcasing [Product/Service]

🔗   108
Develop a case study/testimonial/video that highlights how our product/service helped a customer achieve specific result.

Social Media Promotion Plan

🔗   108
Write a series of 3/5/7 social media updates that promote our latest blog post/resource/event and encourage desired action.

Industry Pain Points: Customer Persona

🔗   104
Write a whitepaper/e-book/guide that addresses the common pain points and challenges faced by ideal customer persona in our industry.

Persuasive Email Campaign

🔗   103
Write a persuasive subject line and email body that encourages ideal customer persona to desired action on our website/product.

Compelling Webinar Registration

🔗   103
Write a persuasive registration page for our upcoming webinar that highlights the value and benefits of attending for ideal customer persona.

Themed Content Series

🔗   101
Develop a series of 3/5/7 themed content pieces that explore different aspects of topic and position our brand as an authority in the industry/niche.

Compelling Landing Page Pitch

🔗   100
Write a persuasive and concise value proposition for our product/service that will be featured on our landing page.

Innovative Content Strategies

🔗   100
Suggest 3/5/7 creative ways to approach topic in our content that will differentiate our brand and resonate with ideal customer persona.

Compelling Success Stories

🔗   99
I need a type of text that will tell a story about my product/service and how it has helped ideal customer persona achieve their goal in a relatable and engaging way.

SEO-Optimize Website Copy

🔗   99
Enhance the following website copy to be more SEO-friendly for the keyword 'target keyword': insert copy.

Content Pillars Strategy

🔗   99
Identify 3/5/7 key content pillars for our industry/niche that will resonate with ideal customer persona and support our marketing objectives.

Optimize Content Clarity

🔗   98
Revise and improve the readability of our blog post/landing page/email for ideal customer persona: insert URL or text.

Review Writing Quality

🔗   98
Proofread and provide feedback on the tone, style, and clarity of our whitepaper/e-book/guide: insert URL or text.

Brand Narrative Development

🔗   97
Develop a cohesive and engaging brand narrative that showcases our company's mission/values/unique selling points and resonates with ideal customer persona.

Targeting Ideal Customers

🔗   97
Write a newsworthy press release announcing our product launch/company milestone/event, targeting ideal customer persona.

Translation Challenge Prompt

🔗   95
Translate the following copy into target language while maintaining its original meaning and persuasive intent: insert copy.

Future Pacing Marketing Plan

🔗   94
Write a marketing campaign outline using the 'Future Pacing' framework to help ideal customer persona visualize a future where they have achieved their goals with the help of our product/service. Describe the benefits they will receive as a result.

Crafting a Unique Value Proposition

🔗   94
Using the 'Unique Value Proposition' framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that identifies the unique value our product/service provides to ideal customer persona and crafts copy that clearly communicates that value.

Targeting Potential Influencers

🔗   94
Identify 3/5/10 potential influencers in the industry/niche who would be a good fit for promoting our product/service.

Persuasive Subscription Pitch

🔗   93
I'm looking for a type of text that will convince ideal customer persona to sign up for my program/subscription by explaining the value it brings and the benefits they'll receive.

Optimizing Blog SEO

🔗   93
Provide suggestions for improving the internal linking structure and keyword usage in our blog post: insert URL.

Headline Testing Challenge

🔗   93
Generate 2/3/4 alternative headlines for our blog post to test their effectiveness: insert original headline.

Prompts for Sharing Experiences

🔗   93
Create 3/5/7 prompts that inspire our audience to share their experiences, stories, or reviews about our product/service.

Marketing Campaign Outline: Awareness to Action

🔗   92
Using the 'Awareness-Comprehension-Conviction-Action' framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that presents ideal customer persona with a situation or problem and helps them understand it. Create the desired conviction in the reader to use our product/service as the solution and prompt the reader to take action.

Benefit-Focused Instagram Captions

🔗   92
Create 3/5/10 Instagram caption ideas that showcase the benefits of our product/service for ideal customer persona.

Engaging Testimonial Prompts

🔗   92
Craft 3/5/10 engaging customer testimonial prompts to gather authentic feedback about our product/service.

Influencer Partnership Benefits

🔗   92
Craft a persuasive outreach message for potential influencers, highlighting the benefits of partnering with our brand.

Pain Point Marketing Strategy

🔗   91
Write a marketing campaign outline using the 'Problem-Agitate-Solve' framework to identify the most painful problem faced by ideal customer persona and agitate the issue to show why it is a bad situation. Present our product/service as the logical solution to the problem.

LSI Keywords for Topic

🔗   91
Provide 5/10/15 LSI Latent Semantic Indexing keywords for the article about topic targeting ideal customer persona.

Marketing Performance Analysis

🔗   91
Evaluate the effectiveness of our email marketing campaign/landing page/ad copy and suggest revisions to improve performance.

Guide: Topic for Customer Persona

🔗   90
Outline a comprehensive, well-structured article on topic for our blog/website targeting ideal customer persona.

Engaging Newsletter Template

🔗   88
Create an engaging newsletter template for our product/service, including sections for industry news/tips and tricks/customer success stories.

Persuasive Marketing Collateral

🔗   88
Create a one-pager/sales sheet/brochure that showcases the key features and benefits of our product/service for ideal customer persona.

New Partnership Unveiled!

🔗   87
Create a compelling headline and lead paragraph for a press release about our partnership/expansion/award.

Creative Ideas for Promotion

🔗   86
Generate 3/5/10 creative ideas for repurposing and promoting our existing content on social media/email marketing/other channels.

Revamp Product Appeal

🔗   84
Rewrite the following product description to be more persuasive and engaging for ideal customer persona: insert description.

Captivating Promo Script

🔗   84
Write a compelling video script for a 30/60/90-second promotional video about our product/service, targeting ideal customer persona.

Persuasive CTAs for Customer Persona

🔗   83
Create a compelling CTA for our landing page/email/website that encourages ideal customer persona to desired action.

Enhancing Copy Persuasion

🔗   82
Apply the AIDA Attention, Interest, Desire, Action formula to the following copy, making it more persuasive and engaging: insert copy.

Exciting Update Alert!

🔗   82
Develop a promotional email to our subscribers announcing our latest blog post/resource/event and encouraging them to desired action.

Promoción en idiomas

🔗   81
Write a short promotional message/product description in Spanish/French/German for our product/service.

UGC Boost Campaign

🔗   80
Design a UGC campaign that leverages hashtags/contests/rewards to increase engagement and promote our product/service.

Compelling Headlines for Blog

🔗   80
Craft 3/5/10 attention-grabbing headlines for our blog post/landing page/email that appeal to ideal customer persona and encourage desired action.

Social Media Post Ideas

🔗   80
Generate 10/20/30 engaging social media post ideas for our Facebook/Instagram/Twitter account that showcase our product/service and resonate with ideal customer persona.

Tailored Intros for Millennials

🔗   78
Customize this blog post introduction for millennials/gen Z/baby boomers: insert introduction.

Video Script Creation

🔗   78
Create a script for a 3/5/7-minute video based on the content from our blog post: insert URL.

Revamp Your CTA: PAS

🔗   78
Rewrite this call-to-action using the PAS Problem, Agitate, Solution formula: insert call-to-action.

Discover Your Fit: Quiz

🔗   77
Design an engaging quiz for our website/social media that helps users discover their product fit/personality type/lifestyle preference.

Introducing Our Product:

🔗   77
Write a 3/5/7-minute video script that introduces our product/service/company and highlights its key features and benefits for ideal customer persona.

Copy Editing Challenge

🔗   76
Quickly spot and correct grammatical errors, awkward phrasing, or inconsistencies in the following copy: insert copy.

Refining Content Strategy

🔗   76
Analyze our content strategy/brand messaging/tone and voice and provide actionable insights for refining our approach.

Features-Advantages-Benefits Marketing Campaign

🔗   75
Write a marketing campaign outline using the 'Features-Advantages-Benefits' framework that highlights the features of our product/service and explains how these advantages can be helpful to ideal customer persona. Outline the benefits of our product and how it can positively impact the reader.

Low-Competition Long-Tail Keywords

🔗   75
Identify 3/5/7 long-tail keywords related to our product/service/topic that offer low competition and high conversion potential.

Engaging Webinar Script

🔗   74
Create a captivating webinar script that educates ideal customer persona about topic and demonstrates the value of our product/service.

Key Pillar Topics

🔗   74
Identify 3/5/7 potential pillar topics for our industry/niche that would resonate with ideal customer persona.

Tailored Social Media Calendar

🔗   74
Develop a weekly/monthly social media content calendar that includes a mix of educational/entertaining/promotional content tailored to our ideal customer persona.

Help write an essay

🔗   73
I want you to act as a virtual writing assistant and help me write an essay on a topic name

Creating a Persuasive Campaign

🔗   72
Write a marketing campaign outline using the 'Unique Selling Proposition' framework to highlight the unique selling points of our product/service to ideal customer persona. Craft copy that clearly communicates these points and persuades the reader to take action.

Crafting Captivating Company Stories

🔗   72
Write a compelling 'About Us' page that tells the story of our company's origins/mission/vision and appeals to ideal customer persona.

Effective Lead Magnet

🔗   72
Design a valuable lead magnet e.g., e-book, checklist, template that addresses a key pain point for our ideal customer persona and encourages them to desired action.

Revamping FAQ Section

🔗   70
Suggest 3/5/7 new questions and answers to include in our FAQ section based on customer feedback/industry trends/common pain points.

PASTOR Framework for Effective Marketing Campaigns

🔗   69
Using the 'PASTOR' framework, write a marketing campaign outline that addresses the pain points of ideal customer persona and presents our product/service as the solution. Identify the problem they are facing, amplify the consequences of not solving it, tell a story related to the problem, include testimonials from happy customers, present our offer, and request a response.

PAS Marketing Campaign Outline

🔗   68
Write a marketing campaign outline using the 'PAS' formula to identify the problem faced by ideal customer persona, agitate that problem to make it more pressing, and then present our product/service as the solution.

Optimize Content Strategy

🔗   68
Review and revise our product description/email campaign/blog post to better resonate with ideal customer persona in the target country/market.

Personalized Assessment Quiz

🔗   68
Create an engaging quiz or assessment that helps users identify their needs/preferences/challenges and offers personalized recommendations based on their responses.

Winning with Star-Story-Solution

🔗   67
Write a marketing campaign outline using the 'Star-Story-Solution' framework to introduce the main character of a story related to our product/service and keep the reader hooked. End the story with an explanation of how the star wins in the end with the help of our product.

Persuasive Sales Copy

🔗   67
I need a type of text that will overcome objections and concerns my ideal customer persona may have about my product/service and convince them to take desired action.

Crafting Product Descriptions

🔗   67
Create a compelling, informative, and SEO-optimized product description for our product name, highlighting its unique selling points and benefits.

Simplifying Complex Processes

🔗   67
Create a script for a tutorial/explainer/animated video that breaks down complex topic/process into simple, easy-to-understand steps.

Blog post topic

🔗   66
Write a blog post on the topic of your choice

Brand-aligned Content Voice

🔗   66
Adopt a consistent voice and tone for the following content, reflecting our brand personality and appealing to ideal customer persona: insert content.

Expert Guide for Customer Persona

🔗   64
Write an in-depth 2,000/3,000/4,000-word article about topic, including actionable tips and industry insights for ideal customer persona.

AIDA Marketing Campaign Blueprint

🔗   62
Using the 'AIDA' formula, write a marketing campaign outline to capture the attention of ideal customer persona, create interest in our product/service, generate desire for it, and ultimately prompt them to take action.

Customer Success Stories

🔗   62
I'm looking for a type of text that will establish trust and credibility with my ideal customer persona by highlighting the successes and testimonials of previous customers who have used my product/service.

Persuasive Website Copy

🔗   62
Please write a compelling type of text that speaks directly to my ideal customer persona and encourages them to take desired action on my website/product.

Long-Tail Keyword List

🔗   62
Generate a list of 5/10/15 long-tail keywords related to topic for our blog/website.

Savings Estimator Tool

🔗   61
Develop a calculator/assessment/tool that allows users to estimate savings/measure progress/determine compatibility with our product/service.

Brand-Tailored Tone Prompt

🔗   60
Rewrite the following paragraph using a formal/informal/playful tone that matches our brand voice: insert paragraph.

Crafting a Winning Campaign: Benefits-Features-Proof Framework

🔗   58
Using the 'Benefits-Features-Proof' framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that outlines the benefits our product/service provides to ideal customer persona. Explain the features that make these benefits possible and provide proof to back up our claims about the product

Targeted Content Strategy

🔗   57
Develop a comprehensive content strategy for our website/blog/social media/email marketing that targets ideal customer persona and drives desired outcome.

Engage Ideal Customers

🔗   56
Optimize the following paragraph to be more engaging and persuasive for ideal customer persona: insert paragraph.

Ideas for Topic: Targeting Customer

🔗   55
Generate 3/5/10 creative headline ideas for a blog post about topic targeting ideal customer persona.

On-Page SEO Recommendations

🔗   55
Identify and recommend 3/5/7 on-page SEO improvements for our website's homepage/product page/blog.

Call-to-Action Variations

🔗   55
Create 2/3/4 different call-to-action variations for our email marketing campaign to identify the most persuasive option.

Persuasive Sales Copy

🔗   54
I need a type of text that will persuade ideal customer persona to purchase my product/service by highlighting its unique benefits and addressing any potential objections.

Email Sequence Blueprint

🔗   54
Develop a 3/5/7-part email sequence for our product launch/lead nurturing/sales funnel, targeting ideal customer persona.

Optimize Landing Page

🔗   54
Design a high-converting landing page outline for our product/service, including a compelling headline, engaging copy, and strong call-to-action.

Hook-Story-Offer Marketing Campaign Outline

🔗   53
Write a marketing campaign outline using the 'Hook-Story-Offer' framework to use a hook or attention-grabber to engage ideal customer persona, tell a story to create an emotional connection, and then present an offer or call to action.

Persuasive Marketing Copy

🔗   53
I need a type of text that will make my ideal customer persona feel emotion about my product/service and persuade them to take desired action with a sense of urgency.

Targeted Email Copy

🔗   53
Adjust this email copy to target small business owners/freelancers/executives in the industry/niche: insert email copy.

Product Success Story

🔗   53
Write a case study about how our product/service helped Company Name achieve specific result in time frame.

Engaging Webinar Content

🔗   52
Develop a series of 3/5/7 engaging talking points or slides for our webinar that address common questions and concerns about topic/product/service.

Headline Translation Project for Blog

🔗   51
Translate these 3/5/10 headlines into Spanish/French/German for our blog/website/campaign: insert headlines.

Persuasive Marketing Copy

🔗   50
I'm looking for a type of text that will showcase the unique features and benefits of my product/service to ideal customer persona and persuade them to make a purchase.

Customizable Press Release

🔗   50
Develop a press release template that includes key information about our company and products/services, making it easy to customize for future announcements.

FAQ for Ideal Customers

🔗   50
Create a comprehensive FAQ section for our product/service/website that addresses common questions and concerns for ideal customer persona.

Email Course Mastery

🔗   49
Develop a 3/5/7-part email course on topic that educates ideal customer persona and positions our product/service as the ideal solution.

Compelling Ad Copy

🔗   48
Develop a persuasive ad copy for our product/service that emphasizes its main benefit/feature for ideal customer persona.

Key Brand Messages

🔗   48
Create 3/5/7 key brand messages that communicate our company's unique value proposition to ideal customer persona.

Ultimate [Topic] Guide

🔗   47
Create a 2,000/3,000/4,000-word guide on topic, including step-by-step instructions, examples, and best practices for industry/niche.

Compelling Product Demo

🔗   47
Develop an engaging explainer video script that showcases the features and benefits of our product/service for ideal customer persona.

Ecommerce article for product

🔗   44
Act as an ecommerce content writer and write an article on the product 'product' from the brand 'brand'

Product Description Template

🔗   44
Develop a product description template for our product category, focusing on key features, benefits, and ideal customer persona pain points.

Targeted Ad Copy

🔗   44
Write a captivating ad copy for a Google Ads campaign promoting our product/service, targeting ideal customer persona.

Gender-Specific Product Descriptions

🔗   43
Rewrite the following product description to appeal to women/men/parents: insert description.

Image Testing Experiment

🔗   43
Suggest 2/3/4 alternative images for our social media ad to test which one performs best with our ideal customer persona.

Ideas Galore

🔗   41
Provide 3/5/10 unique tagline ideas for our product/service that emphasize its main benefit/feature.

Competitor Analysis Recommendations

🔗   41
Evaluate the effectiveness of our competitor's blog/website/social media/email marketing and provide recommendations for outperforming them.

Sentence Clarity Boosters

🔗   39
Improve the clarity of this sentence for industry/niche: insert sentence.

Targeted Content Promotion

🔗   39
Outline a multi-channel content promotion plan for our blog post/infographic/e-book that targets ideal customer persona and drives desired outcome.

Bullet Point Summary Prompt

🔗   37
Summarize the following paragraph into Number of bullet points: Paragraph

Effective Marketing Copy

🔗   37
I'm looking for a type of text that will draw in my ideal customer persona with a strong headline and hook, and then convince them to take desired action with persuasive language and compelling evidence.

Consistent Content Communication

🔗   37
Provide guidelines and examples for maintaining a consistent voice and tone across our website/blog/social media/email marketing content.

[Main Keyword] Topic Cluster

🔗   37
Outline a topic cluster for our blog/website centered around the pillar topic 'main keyword' and including relevant subtopics and supporting content.

Topic Clustering Strategy

🔗   37
Suggest a content structure for our blog/website that utilizes topic clustering to improve site navigation and SEO performance.

Interactive Industry Infographic

🔗   37
Outline an interactive infographic that visualizes data/statistics/processes related to our industry/niche.

Empathy-Based Marketing Campaign

🔗   36
Using the 'Empathy' framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that identifies the needs and pain points of ideal customer persona and crafts copy that demonstrates understanding and empathy for their situation. Present our product/service as a solution to their problems.

Revamp Your Headline

🔗   36
Rewrite the following headline to be more persuasive and engaging: insert headline.

Cultural Relevancy Optimization

🔗   35
Localize our website/landing page/ad copy for the target country/market to ensure cultural relevancy and appeal to ideal customer persona.

Meeting agenda example

🔗   33
I want to create an agenda for a meeting about Meeting info with my team. Can you give me some examples of what should be included?

Fear-Based Marketing Campaign

🔗   33
Using the 'Emotional Appeal' framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that uses emotional appeal to persuade ideal customer persona to take action and purchase our product/service. Choose an emotion such as fear, happiness, or guilt.

Persuasive Product Pitch

🔗   33
I'm looking for a type of text that will clearly explain the features and benefits of my product/service to ideal customer persona and persuade them to make a purchase with a strong call-to-action.

Engaging Facebook Posts

🔗   33
Craft 3/5/10 engaging Facebook post ideas for our product/service, targeting ideal customer persona.

Collaboration Ideas: Influencer Marketing

🔗   33
Generate 3/5/10 collaboration ideas for working with influencers in our industry/niche to promote our product/service.

Customer Success Stories

🔗   33
Develop a video script for a testimonial/case study/interview that showcases the success stories of our customers using our product/service.

Boosting UGC Engagement

🔗   32
Generate 3/5/10 creative ideas for encouraging user-generated content UGC on our social media/website/blog.

Social Proof Marketing Campaign

🔗   31
Write a marketing campaign outline using the 'Social Proof' framework to demonstrate the value and effectiveness of our product/service to ideal customer persona. Include testimonials, case studies, and industry experts as social proof.

Empowering Customer Persona: Webinar

🔗   27
Outline a 30/45/60-minute webinar on topic that educates ideal customer persona and positions our product/service as the ideal solution.

Multilingual Translation Request: [insert content]

🔗   25
Translate the following blog post/ad copy/landing page into Spanish/French/German: insert content.

Marketing Campaign Brainstorm

🔗   23
Brainstorm 3/5/10 promotional concepts for a marketing campaign focusing on specific theme/occasion for our industry/niche.

Product Description Analysis

🔗   23
Compare the product descriptions of our product/service with our top 3/5/7 competitors and suggest improvements.

Persuasive Marketing Copy

🔗   21
I need a type of text that will showcase the value and benefits of my product/service to ideal customer persona and convince them to take desired action with social proof and credibility-building elements.

Revamp Your CTA: Customer Persona

🔗   21
Make this call-to-action more compelling for ideal customer persona: insert call-to-action.

Competitor Content Analysis

🔗   21
Analyze the content strategy of our top 3/5/7 competitors in the industry/niche and identify gaps and opportunities for our content.

CAB Formula Marketing Campaign

🔗   20
Using the 'CAB' formula, write a marketing campaign outline that highlights the features of our product/service, explains the advantages of those features, and then outlines the benefits that ideal customer persona will receive as a result.

Persuasive Persona Messaging

🔗   20
I'm looking for a type of text that will speak directly to the needs and pain points of my ideal customer persona and persuade them to take desired action with a sense of urgency and strong offer.

Keyword Research Guide

🔗   20
Identify 5/10/15 relevant keywords for our product/service in the industry/niche.

Content Chunking Strategy

🔗   20
Convert our e-book/whitepaper/guide into a series of 3/5/7 shorter blog posts or social media updates.

Content Ideas for Persona

🔗   20
Generate 10/20/30 content ideas for our blog/website/social media that address the needs and interests of our ideal customer persona.

Emotive Text Strategy

🔗   18
I need a type of text that will make my ideal customer persona feel emotion about my product/service and convince them to take desired action.

Headline Variations Formula

🔗   18
Generate 3/5/10 headline variations for our blog post/ad/email that leverage curiosity/emotion/urgency to drive engagement.

Effective Sales Copy

🔗   17
I'm looking for a type of text that will explain the features and benefits of my product/service to ideal customer persona in a clear and concise manner, leading them to make a purchase.

Content Copy Audit: Recommendations

🔗   17
Perform a copy audit on our website/blog/social media content and provide recommendations for improvement in terms of clarity/persuasiveness/SEO.

Keyword Intent Analysis

🔗   16
Analyze the search intent behind our target keywords and provide recommendations for creating content that aligns with user needs and expectations.

Infographic Creation Challenge

🔗   14
Transform the following blog post into a visually appealing infographic: insert URL.

Streamline Your CTA

🔗   14
Revise the following CTA to be more clear, concise, and action-oriented: insert CTA.

Landing Page Optimization

🔗   13
Provide suggestions for improving the conversion rate of our existing landing page: insert URL.

Crafting a Compelling Campaign: Picture-Promise-Prove-Push

🔗   2
Using the 'Picture-Promise-Prove-Push' framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that paints a picture that gets the attention and creates desire for our product/service in ideal customer persona. Describe how our product will deliver on its promises, provide testimonials to back up those promises, and give a little push to encourage the reader to take action.

Creating Effective Marketing Campaigns

🔗   -1
Write a marketing campaign outline using the 'Attention-Interest-Desire-Action' framework to grab the attention of ideal customer persona and persuade them to take action. Start with a bold statement to get their attention, present information that piques their interest, state the benefits of our product/service to create desire, and ask for a sign-up or purchase.

Transforming Lives with [Product/Service]: A Before-After-Bridge Marketing Campaign

🔗   -2
Using the 'Before-After-Bridge' framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that presents the current situation with a problem faced by ideal customer persona. Show them the world after using our product/service and how it has improved their situation. Then, provide a bridge to show them how they can get to that improved state by using our product.