💰🔍 Google Ads Prompts for ChatGPT

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Responsive search ads

🔗   92
Product: detail of your product Create a Google Responsive search ad for my product above. Create 5 unique headlines with no more than 30 characters. Create 4 descriptions with no more than 90 characters

List of negative keywords

🔗   89
Product: detail of your product Create a list of Google Ads negative keywords

YouTube Exclusion list

🔗   87
Product: detail of your product Create a list of youtube channels that are irrelevant to my target audience as an exclusion list. Provide sample Youtube channels

Google Ad Headline

🔗   81
Write a Google Ad headline in for product name which does describe what it does in a persuasive tone

Call out extensions

🔗   80
Product: detail of your product Create 10 Google Ads Call Out extensions with no more than twenty five characters each.

List of keywords with estimated clicks, average CPC, and competition level

🔗   75
Product: detail of your product Provide a keyword list with estimated clicks, average CPC and competition

Google Ads competitive research

🔗   73
Product: detail of your product Create a list of competitors for PPC Tools and their estimated monthly paid search ad spend

Structured snippets

🔗   70
Product: detail of your product Create 2 Google Ads Structured Snippets. Each snippet should have 5 values. Each value should be no longer than 15 characters The format should be Type: Value 1, Value 2, etc.

SEO-Optimized Google Ad Description

🔗   70
Generate a Google ad description that is SEO optimized for the following product: describe product

Campaign structure with ad groups and keywords

🔗   66
Product: detail of your product. Create a 3 Google ads campaign for my product above. Each campaign should contain 2 ad groups with a theme. Each ad group should contain 3 keywords. Keywords should be unique The output should be in this format: Campaign Ad Group Keywords

Sitelink ad extensions

🔗   64
Product: detail of your product Create 4 Google ads sitelink extensions with suggested URLs. Each site link should have title with no more than 30 characters. Each site link should have 2 descriptions with no more than 25 characters each.

List of in-market audience segments

🔗   64
Product: detail of your product What Google Ads in-market audience segments should I target for my product above?

Google Ad Scripts

🔗   54
Product: detail of your product Provide me a Google ads script that checks the search term report daily and marks all keywords I am not bidding on a negative keyword

Budget allocation recommendations

🔗   51
Product: detail of your product How much budget % should I allocate to Google ads and Microsoft ads. Please provide detailed rationale for your recommendation.

Paid search conversion tracking ideas

🔗   35
Product: detail of your product What conversions should track for my website?

Demographic targets specification

🔗   28
Product: detail of your product What demographics age, sex, age, income % level should target for my product above?

Call to action creation

🔗   15
Product: detail of your product List some compelling call to action phrases for my Google ads

Audience segment ideas for retargeting

🔗   14
Product: detail of your product Provide some retargeting audience segments to try for my product.

List of countries to exclude

🔗   14
Product: detail of your product What countries should I not target? Please provide example countries and rationale for each.

Ideas on countries/regions to target

🔗   4
Product: detail of your product Provide example countries I should target for my product above that will have higher conversion rates